Friday 14 September 2007

Lost you forever!!

I still cannot accept the fact that my phone got stolen in the office...
The fact that this f*cking old man took it from my table and walked out just like that...cursed him million times in my heart that he won't have good day after taking my phone...curse him that he will suffered for the rest of his life because he was a theft!!!!! Curse him so hard that i hope he will be run down by a car/lorry/motorcycle but that's too easy for him... perhaps he should choke while eating bean curd and suffocate & die!! curse him that he'll never get to f*ck anymore whenever he wants it... curse him that he will get stroke and paralyze both his hands that he can't move anymore...
I was almost tearing yesterday but i tried hard to control for not letting it down coz it was due to my ONE & ONLY TIME carelessness...due to the ignorant people in the office that no one has actually bothered to ask why was he loitering around in the office and the fact that he is unknown to everyone...
i hate this word "assume"... assume can really kill...

End of the day i've lost k810i forever and ever... my beloved photos are beloved music inside the phone is gone... no gone... no more.... is gone...

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